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2022年09月09日 21:33:11 访问量:485 作者:唐 韩愈


 On the Teacher

                                                                         []     韩愈

                                                                         [tang]   Han Yü


 In ancient times scholars always had teachers. It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge and resolve doubts. Since man is not born with knowledge, who can be without doubt? But doubt will never be resolved without a teacher.

He who was born before me learned the teachings before me, and I take him as my teacher. But if he who was born after me received his teachings before me, I also take him as my teacher. I take the teachings as my teacher. Why should I care whether a man was born before or after me? Irrespective therefore of the distinction between the high-born and the lowly, and between age and youth, where the teachings are, there is my teacher.


 Alas, it has been a long time since the tradition of taking teachers was honored! And so it is difficult to expect people to be free from doubts. Though ancient sages far surpassed the common folk, they nevertheless asked questions of their teachers. On the other hand, the masses of today, who are far inferior to the sages, are ashamed to learn from their teachers. Consequently, the sage became more sage, and the ignorant more ignorant. Indeed, is this not the reason why the sages were sage and the ignorant are ignorant?


 He who loves his son selects a teacher for the child’s education, but he is ashamed to learn from a teacher himself. This is indeed puzzling. The teacher of a child is one who gives instruction on books and on the punctuation of sentences. This is not what I take as one who transmits the wisdom and resolves doubts. To take a teacher for instruction in correct punctuation and not to take a teacher to help resolve doubts is to learn the unimportant and leave out the important. I do not see the wisdom of it.


 Shamans, doctors, musicians and craftsmen are not ashamed to take one another as teachers. But, when the scholar-officials speak of teachers and pupils, there are those who get together and laugh at them. When questioned, their reply is that so-and-so is of the same age as so-and-so and that their understanding of the Way is similar. If one takes another who holds a low position as his teacher, it is something to be ashamed of. If it is some high official who is taken as a teacher, it is a form of flattery. Alas, the tradition of taking teachers is no longer honored! Shamans, doctors, musicians and craftsmen are not respected by a gentleman, but their wisdom is beyond that of the gentleman. Is this not strange?


    Our sages had no constant teachers. Confucius took T’an-tzu1, Ch’ang-hung2, Shih-hsiang3and Lao-tan4as his teachers, all of whom were not so wise as himself. Said Confucius, “When I walk in the company of three men, there must be a teacher of mine”. The pupil is therefore not necessarily inferior to the teacher, and the teacher is not necessarily superior to the pupil. What makes the difference is that one has received teachings before the other and that one is more specialized in his craft and trade than the other – that is all.


  Li P’an, who is seventeen, is fond of ancient literature and is deeply versed in the six arts, the classics and chronicles. Not confined by the trends of the day, he has studied under me. Pleased that he can practice the ancient tradition, I have written this essay on the teacher to present to him.




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